Atomium Culture

Atomium Culture

The Permanent Platform of Atomium Culture brings together some of the most authoritative universities, newspapers and businesses in Europe to increase the movement of knowledge: across borders, across sectors and to the public at large.
La plataforma permanente Atomium Culture reúne a las universidades, periódicos y empresas más prestigiosos de Europa para promover el flujo del conocimiento más allá de fronteras, entre sectores y hacia el público en general.

Capturing the Power of the Sea

Por: | 12 de enero de 2013

By Christophe Serre of the University of Barcelona

A new technology recently developed by the University of Barcelona to generate electricity from the movement of the sea is ready for commercial use.

This technology, which has been developed by UB researchers and the CSIC, is capable of converting mechanical energy from, for example, the rocking motion of the waves or the wind into electrical energy that can be used by a vessel or a maritime buoy. The most immediate applications are directed to the sector of buoys and sailboats because they do not require high amounts of energy to operate.

The electricity generation system has significant advantages over other systems of renewable energy production such as solar panels, since the devices made do not need to be installed, its operation does not depend on the weather and it can be manufactured with low cost materials.

An agreement between the University of Barcelona (UB), the National Research Council (CSIC) and the company Smalle Technologies, SL, will allow the development and commercialization of this innovative technology that generates electricity from the movement.

The UB-CSIC spin-off Smalle Technologies, created on 30th July 2012,  and it's business project has already won several awards, including the first prize of the programme EcoEmprenedor XXI and the EmprendeGO contest of innovative ideas in the category of new energy sources.

University of Barcelona


More information:

The technology, patented by the UB and the CSIC, has been developed by the researchers Christophe Serre, tenure track 2 lecturer at the Department of Electronics of the UB; Alejandro Pérez, professor at the Department of Electronics of the UB and researcher at the Institute for Energy Research (IREC); Jaume Esteve, researcher at the CSIC’s Barcelona Microelectronics Institute-National Microelectronics Centre (IMB-CNM); Maria Creu Acer, IMB-CNM researcher; and Núria Fondevilla, adjunct lecturer at the Department of Electronics of the UB. The mechanical engineer Rubén Carballo has continued the technological development begun by previous researchers. The entrepreneur Héctor Martín joined the team as the director general. Martín holds a degree in Physics by the UB and a MBA by ESADE; he also has an extensive business experience which has helped him to analyze the commercial viability of this technology and to design an effective business plan.

Further information:

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Busquemos más energias que nos ofrece la fuerza de la naturaleza, aunque son caras y menos efectivas ayudaremos a construir un mundo más saludable.

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