F. González, M. Baracchi Bonvicini, V. Giscard d'Estaing, E. Widegren
Dublin - 25-26 February 2013. Last month leading representatives from academia, media, industry and policy makers in Europe met at Trinity College Dublin during the 2013 edition of the EISRI Summit to discuss the role of the media in responsible research and innovation.
This concept aims to innovate the research process creating a more inclusive and transperent mechanism for engaging all actors of society in research and innovation. The relevance of this position for the future competitiveness of Europe was highlighted by the opening speech by the former President of France Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, Honorary President of Atomium Culture in stating that “concept of Responsible Research and Innovation will be of key importance in building a competitive and dynamic research and innovation environment in Europe”.
Michelangelo Baracchi Bonvicini, President of Atomium Cuture, followed this statement by highlighting the huge opportunities created by the changing media enviornoment in changing “some fundamental aspects of the research environment to make the European Research Area more open, flexible and welcoming” and the importance of empowering the single individual.
The importance of this issue for economic recovery and jobs and growth were underlined by also by President Barroso, Chancellor Merkel and Commissioner Geoghegan-Quinn who participated to the sumit through video-conference.
However, as reminded by the former prime Minister of Spain and Chairman of the Board of AC Felipe Gonzalez boldly, Europe needs to start taking real action on these aspects if we want to succeed: “Troughout my quite extensive political career I have never heard any politician at any level disagree with the importance of setting research, innovation and education as a key priority in their political agendas; this, however this is not reflected in the budgets.”
This point will be significant in the current discussions on the EU budget for the next Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020. The Vice President of the European Parliament Mr Oldrich Vlasak stated that the development of a competitive European knowledge society was the common goal of the European Parliament and Europe now needs to ensure that budgets reflect this, stating his personal conviction that increased investment in research and innovation is not to be considered only as a positive perspective but as an absolute necessity.
The discussions in the breakout sessions centred around how media can support the development of a more inclusive European Research Area through six keys: engagement, ethics, gender, science education, open access and governance.
Each of these six themes were addressed and some new ideas brought forward. In particular, recurring themes could be divided into two main areas.
The first looking at how to scientists can work more closely with journalists in order to increase undertsnading and awareness of the role and responsibility of research and innovation in addressing some of the core issues facing societies today.
The second looked at the role of new media in creating networks, access to information and changing the way that science and society can interact. The full outcomes of the summit will be developed in a report that will be published towards the summit.
The discussions of the summit reflected the difficulty in asnwering some of the more fundamental underlying issues. In particular the changing media enviornment and the impossibility to predict what will happen in the next ten years. What was clear was the willingness to critically assess these issues and move forward together in trying to promote best practices.
As President Felipe Gonzalez underlined Europe needs to get the courage to accept disruptive innovation. True innovation comes from anomalies in the system, when something does not go according to plans. If we want true innovation in Europe we need to be willing to accept this risk! We need to put our money where our mouth is.
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